Carmelitas aka: The Best Thing You'll Ever Eat

Oh you think I'm exaggerating?  Absolutely not.  Just trust me on this one. My friends and I don’t call these “crack cookies” for nothing. You’ve been warned.

Put your kids/partner/roommate/grandma to work unwrapping caramel candies.  It takes a surprisingly long time to unwrap 32 of those little things.  Put them in a small sauce pan and add in your heavy cream.

** OR - just make the simple 3 ingredient homemade caramel sauce below and have extra for your ice cream sundaes. **


Put this over low heat and stir frequently until smooth.


Meanwhile, grab your butter - a stick and half to be exact - gulp - and pop it in the microwave to melt.  

Mix the brown sugar, flour, rolled oats and baking soda in with the melted butter.

Mix until combined.

I use white whole wheat flour just to make me feel a *little* bit better after I eat my fifth square...  But any kind of flour will do. ;-)

Grab an 8x8 pan and spray with non-stick spray or grease with butter.  Might as well just use the butter.  I mean, really.

Press oatmeal mixture into 8x8 pan, creating the "crust".

Pop it in the oven and bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. Don’t worry, it wont look done - that’s okay - don’t overcook it!

How's your caramel mixture doing?  Don't forget to stir!  It should go from looking kind of lumpy like this:

... to creamy and smooth.  Take it off the heat and try not to drink it from the pan.

Take your crust out of the oven and get excited because here's where it starts getting really good...


Sprinkle some chocolate chips over the crust.

I'm so obsessed with mini chocolate chips lately...  Just look at them - they're adorable.

Now grab the caramel that may or may not have a few spoonfuls missing... It's okay, you're only human.  Pour it over the chocolate chips like so:

Are you excited yet?  Yeah, me too.


Now take the other half of the oatmeal mixture and sprinkle over the top of the caramel.  Pop it back in the oven for another 15 ish minutes until edges are lightly browned.

And now, for the hardest part of all: let it cool.  Trust me - do not get impatient and try to cut these before they are COMPLETELY cooled.  It's a mess.  A huge, sticky, delicious mess.  

In my opinion, they're best cold - straight from the fridge.  Just let them sit about 5 minutes. Perfection.

De nada.




** or make the homemade caramel recipe below **







  1. Preheat oven to 350 and grease an 8x8 pan.

  2. Combine caramels and cream in a small bowl over low heat. Stir until completely smooth; set aside.

  3. In a separate bowl, combine melted butter, brown sugar, flour, oats and baking soda. Pat half of oatmeal mixture into the bottom of the pan. Bake for 10 minutes - only!!

  4. Remove pan from oven and sprinkle chocolate chips over crust. Pour caramel mixture over chocolate chips. Use your fingers to crumble the remaining oatmeal mixture over caramel. Return to oven for an additional 15-20 minutes, until edges are slightly browned.

  5. Let cool COMPLETELY before cutting. Enter heaven.





  1. In a medium saucepan, melt the butter. Add brown sugar and heavy cream; whisk continuously over medium heat until sugar is dissolved.

  2. Bring to a boil and allow to boil for only 3 minutes, while stirring (do not overcook). Remove from heat and allow to cool.

  3. Store in refrigerator for up to one month.

Drop Everything

My oldest - Mariah, is notorious for refusing to have her picture taken.  So when she came to me the other day and said, "Mom, do you think you could take some pictures of me and put them on your website?" I tried to remain calm and quickly and maybe loudly answered "Yes!!"  I dropped everything, grabbed my camera, threw one of Emma's headbands in her {wild} hair, some lipgloss on her lips and headed outside.  I was NOT about to pass up an opportunity to take pictures of my {not so} little girl.

She has the absolute best sense of humor and a smile that's contagious.  She's an observer, but yet always the life of the party.  

She is super artistic and creative - always coming up with new inventions and possible business ventures.  I'll often find her hidden somewhere writing a quick graphic novel or poem.  She loves exploring, nature, animals, science and almost every sport out there.

I'm watching her turn into a young lady right before my eyes and it's almost incomprehensible.  I mean, wasn't it just the other day that she started walking?  

But best of all, Mariah always knows the exact moment when I need her most.  She comforts me with an unexpected hug, a helping hand or wise words of advice.  Sometimes I think she teaches me more than I teach her.  Wait - let me rephrase that: I know she teaches me more than I'll ever be able to teach her.  

And last, but not least - the completely staged "bad ninja guy chasing an innocent screaming girl" shot because Robbie was patiently waiting for his turn to choose a picture.  This also highlights just one more awesome thing about Mariah - that {most of the time} she can hang with her brother's wild games and ideas!!

I love you baby girl.  Thanks for letting me take pictures of you - let's do it again soon.  <3

Things I <3 Thursdays {First Birthdays}

It pretty much makes my day when I get a little tip or hint that makes my life easier/happier/awesome-er in some way.  So that got me thinking...  Why not share the little (and big) things that make my life happy.  The things I love.  Enter: Things I <3 Thursdays

I have a theory: The more children you have, the faster the time flies.

The way things just happened to work out, we ended up with two pairs of kids - each set fairly far apart.  My older two are 10 and almost 8, and then my younger two are 3 and (gulp, tear) 1.  

Because things ended up this way, I constantly have two walking, talking, silly, sometimes moody but always amazing reminders of just EXACTLY how fast time really does go.    


And that brings us to today.  March 5th 2015.  Exactly one year ago, my sweet Emma arrived and I can remember each and every detail as if it really were yesterday.  

She has been such a blessing to our family and I just can't begin to imagine life without her.

Babies are funny that way.  Before they arrive, you can't really imagine your life with them in it.  But then, the second you hold them in your arms, you can't fathom life without them...

It blows my mind the growth a baby goes through the first year of life.  And although a year is quite a long time, it's also really not.  You'd think never sleeping through the night for an entire year would make things drag, but somehow time just keeps on ticking.

 Despite my every effort to cherish each moment, to live in the present and enjoy every second... an entire year has flown by before my eyes and it's overwhelmingly hard to put into words. 

So maybe I just won't even attempt it...

...because pictures are more my thing anyways.

And this is why I love First Birthdays...  because they are so much more than just a day.  Happy Birthday my sweet Emma.  <3

Things I <3 Thursdays {Snow Days}

It pretty much makes my day when I get a little tip or hint that makes my life easier/happier/awesome-er in some way.  So that got me thinking...  Why not share the little (and big) things that make my life happy.  The things I love.  Enter: Things I <3 Thursdays

I know when some parents hear the words "snow day", they suddenly feel sick to their stomaches, cringe and make a face similar to this one… 

I feel your pain.  I really do.  The putting on of snow gear makes my blood pressure rise faster than installing carseats and that's pretty high on my "I'd rather stab myself in the leg" list.  With multiple children, by the time I finally get the last one bundled up and ready to go, the first one is already crying because they're freezing.  And don't even get me started on the piles and piles of cold, wet shirts and gloves and hats and scarves and socks and pants and jackets and whatever else that end up ALL. OVER. THE. HOUSE…  

And then there's the whole cabin fever situation that is absolutely REAL people. That's all I'm going to say on that topic…  But in all seriousness - for the most part, I really love snow days.  I love how beautiful and completely peaceful the world looks when covered with snow.  I love the quiet of big, fluffy snowflakes falling slowly to the ground and how bright everything is as it reflects even the slightest amount of light.  I love spending endless hours of craziness with my kids, racking my brain for new, creative activities we can do together as the house gets more and more destroyed by the minute...  

I love watching them run and jump and slide and explore.  I love their smiles.  Their rosy, red cheeks.  Their laughter.   The joy.  Snow is magical ya know.  

So even if it's super annoying and tons of work - just bundle those babies up and take them outside.  You'll be so glad you did.  :-)  Happy Snow Days!!

PS: I'm totally running out of things to do with the kiddos when we're stuck inside…  I'll love you forever if you send me your tried and true tricks!!  

Make your home smell DIVINE

The first thing I notice when I walk into a new place is the aroma.  It sets the tone for the whole experience, in my opinion.  Now, I'm all about my home smelling delicious, but did you know that air fresheners and most candles are filled with harmful ingredients?  They're especially dangerous to those with allergies and asthma.

Here's where Natural Room Scents come in.  They are seriously the easiest thing ever and will fill your entire house with delicious smelling goodness.  AND the kicker??  They're completely safe and natural.  Everyone likes different scents, but my absolute favorite at the moment is this one:

Oranges, Cinnamon & Cloves.  Here's how I do it:

Slice up an orange (or mandarine), grab some whole cloves and cinnamon sticks (ground cinnamon works wonderful too and was all I had on hand)...

I have this baby crock pot that is not only adorable, but perfect for this very purpose!  Fill it with water (this also works great with a pot on the stove)...

Throw all your ingredients in... 

Leave the lid off and let it simmer away, filling your house with a completely natural and utterly magical scent.  **Make sure to keep an eye on your water level - could be dangerous if left unattended.  I may or may not know that from experience... :-I

And you're done!  This one is perfect for Fall/Christmas/Winter time or really just any time, but it reminds me of the holidays for some reason.  Trust me, it'll make you smile, just like this:

Some other great scent mixes to try (click on the links below for additional info and directions):

Lemon, Rosemary & Vanilla

Lime, Thyme, Mint & Vanilla

Orange, Ginger & Almond

Pine, Bay Leaves & Nutmeg 

And here are the actual recipes, from The Yummy Life:

I'd love to know if there are other wonderful scents that I'm leaving out - click {HERE} to let me know!!  Enjoy!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

It's been passed down for hundreds of years, never to be written on paper.  Those lucky enough to be trusted by a "recipe holder" (as they're called) with the ancient recipe are held in the utmost positions of respect.  I'm breaking all the rules by sharing this sacred recipe with you, passed down from my great grandmother's great grandma...  Just promise me you won't tell anyone.  

Just kidding.  But in all seriousness, these are THE yummiest pumpkin chocolate chip cookies EVER.  I've been making them year after year and they never disappoint.  Do yourself (and those around you) a favor and whip up a batch today.  They make a lot, so they're perfect for sharing.



1 cup butter, softened

2.5 cups sugar

2 eggs

2+ cups canned pure pumpkin 

2 teas. vanilla

2 Tbsp. pure maple syrup

2 cups white whole wheat flour

3 cups white flour

2 teas. baking powder

2 teas. baking soda

2 teas. salt

2 teas. nutmeg

2 teas. cinnamon

2 teas. ground cloves

2 teas. allspice

12 oz. semi sweet chocolate chips (I like using mini)


1.  Preheat oven to 350.

2.  Beat butter and sugar until smooth and fluffy.  Add eggs and mix.  Add pumpkin, maple syrup and vanilla, mix until combined.

3.  Add dry ingredients and mix until blended, being careful not to over mix.  Stir in chocolate chips with a wooden spoon.

4.  Spoon heaping tablespoon sized balls of dough (don't worry, they won't be smooth!) onto a silpat baking mat or non-stick cookie sheet.  Bake for 10-13 minutes until barely golden brown on the tips.  


I like to add a little more pumpkin than called for which lends to extra soft and moist cookies.  Also, my oven happens to run extra hot, so test the first batch.  Err on the side of not enough time rather than too much.  They're super easy, you can't go wrong!


I like to use organic ingredients whenever possible.

I've had my Kitchen Aid mixer since I got married, ten years ago.  I love it.  It's also a hot mess.

Seriously, just throw it all together.  So simple.

I have lots of helpers at my house.  Sometimes they don't feel like helpers when they make the process twice as long and three times as messy, but we're making memories and that makes me happy.

Mix 'em up and throw them on the cookie sheet.  I LOVE my silpat baking mats.  You should totally get some.  NOW.

Throw 'em in the oven and wait... 

Waiting is really the hardest part of the whole process.  Thank goodness this gal wanted more bananas so I wasn't staring at the oven door for a full ten minutes.  She likes bananas.  I like her.

Are you drooling yet?  I am.

The only downfall... 

Even though this recipe makes a TON, they don't last long.


Things I <3 Thursdays {Familia}

It pretty much makes my day when I get a little tip or hint that makes my life easier/happier/awesome-er in some way.  So that got me thinking...  Why not share the little (and big) things that make my life happy.  The things I love.  Enter: Things I <3 Thursdays

This shall be very short and very sweet because you know what?  My family (well, some of them) is here visiting from California and I LOVE THEM!!  Family time is super important to me, so that's exactly what I'm doing this week.  But, to include you in the lovin', here are some pics we took today on a muddy, wet pumpkin patch adventure...

Totally unplanned, wearing random clothes, grumpy two year old...  They're just real.  And I love them.  Even this one...

Speaking of family pictures, I only have 2 more available sessions this YEAR.  And I hardly dare say this, but Christmas deadlines are fast approaching, so if you are hoping for a full session with BDP - now is the time {click HERE to contact me}!!  Annnd how precious is my baby girl people?!  She's the only one who can't run away yet.

Can I also just take a moment to say - how gorgeous is my mother?  This woman has carried 7 babies in her belly, juggled teenagers and toddlers, loved unconditionally and is now the grandmother (but we all call her Nonna) to TEN wild and crazy, sweet and adorable grandchildren.  And I get asked if we're sisters every time we're together.  If you're sensing a bit of envy, you're spot on.  PS: I also love my "baby" sister who is here being the best nanny and friend through my busy season!!

I hope you're as excited as these two for next week's Things I <3 Thursdays, which just might include another giveaway!!!

PS: Props to my brother/apprentice who took all of these images but the last one!!  Future photog in the making.  Watch out world!

Things I <3 Thursdays {Brooklyn Grace Designs}

It pretty much makes my day when I get a little tip or hint that makes my life easier/happier/awesome-er in some way.  So that got me thinking...  Why not share the little (and big) things that make my life happy.  The things I love.  Enter: Things I <3 Thursdays

This right here, this is where it all started.  This super adorable, super soft blanket was given to me as a gift before I had Emma from some of my awesome clients.  

I immediately looked up Brooklyn Grace Designs on Etsy and started drooling over all the goodies.  I contacted Natalie, the owner and she's been a dream to work with.  Here are just a FEW examples of the fun stuff you can find in her Etsy Shop - and make sure to keep scrolling down because there's a discount code AND a chance to win a $20 gift certificate too (as well as adorable baby fever inducing images... Don't act like you haven't been warned!!)

First of all, everything came super quick and packaged adorably.  If you're giving one of these as a gift, you won't even need to wrap it!  

I LOVE the way this adorable newborn beanie photographed, and it fit perfectly on this sweet little angel.  

Couldn't leave out my Emma!  She LOVES snuggling with this extra soft minky lovey - it's the perfect size for snuggles in stroller and carseat rides, and pretty much anywhere else for that matter!  It measures 21"x20" - not too small, but not too big.  

See how much she loves it?!

This sweet vintage inspired headband fit perfectly on the sweet baby girl I had in the studio this week and I love the pop of color it adds to the image.  A girl can never have too many headbands.

These are just a few examples of all the wonderful goodies you'll find over at Brooklyn Grace Designs!  My personal favorites are the blankets...  I absolutely LOVE mine.  It's nice and thick, so it's perfect for baby to lie on and it's not too big.

Of course I couldn't show you all these goodies and not offer an exclusive discount!  Brooklyn Grace Designs was so gracious to offer you 20% off your purchases for ONE week only (valid now through 10.2.14) - so get on it!  Enter coupon code: BGDESIGNS20 at checkout to receive your discount.  These would make amazing Christmas, Baby or Birthday presents...  Trust me, amazing quality guys - stock up!!!

Orrrrrr.... you could just win a $20 gift certificate, how about that??  Enter below - winner will be announced HERE and Facebook on Oct. 3rd.  Good luck!

* Once again, just letting you know that I'm not affiliated and do not benefit in any way from the purchases to Brooklyn Grace Designs.