Things I <3 Thursdays {Snow Days}

It pretty much makes my day when I get a little tip or hint that makes my life easier/happier/awesome-er in some way.  So that got me thinking...  Why not share the little (and big) things that make my life happy.  The things I love.  Enter: Things I <3 Thursdays

I know when some parents hear the words "snow day", they suddenly feel sick to their stomaches, cringe and make a face similar to this one… 

I feel your pain.  I really do.  The putting on of snow gear makes my blood pressure rise faster than installing carseats and that's pretty high on my "I'd rather stab myself in the leg" list.  With multiple children, by the time I finally get the last one bundled up and ready to go, the first one is already crying because they're freezing.  And don't even get me started on the piles and piles of cold, wet shirts and gloves and hats and scarves and socks and pants and jackets and whatever else that end up ALL. OVER. THE. HOUSE…  

And then there's the whole cabin fever situation that is absolutely REAL people. That's all I'm going to say on that topic…  But in all seriousness - for the most part, I really love snow days.  I love how beautiful and completely peaceful the world looks when covered with snow.  I love the quiet of big, fluffy snowflakes falling slowly to the ground and how bright everything is as it reflects even the slightest amount of light.  I love spending endless hours of craziness with my kids, racking my brain for new, creative activities we can do together as the house gets more and more destroyed by the minute...  

I love watching them run and jump and slide and explore.  I love their smiles.  Their rosy, red cheeks.  Their laughter.   The joy.  Snow is magical ya know.  

So even if it's super annoying and tons of work - just bundle those babies up and take them outside.  You'll be so glad you did.  :-)  Happy Snow Days!!

PS: I'm totally running out of things to do with the kiddos when we're stuck inside…  I'll love you forever if you send me your tried and true tricks!!